Arturia PolyBeture tutorial

POLYBRUTE Review, 70 Presets and a Full Morph Tutorial

Arturia’s new flagship synth is packed with new features, but the most interesting one, one that encompasses all the others is morph. This video looks at PolyBrute in detail, with a particular focus on how morph manages it all:


0:00 Intro

1:00 Overview

4:05 Connectivity

4:40 Morph

10:00 Morphee

12:10 Ribbon

13:45 Stereo

15:25 Motion recording

16:10 Split/layer

17:10 Unison

17:50 Oscillators

21:00 Filters

24:40 Envelopes

26:15 LFOs

27:40 Mod matrix

28:55 Effects

31:45 Arp

32:30 Sequencer

33:45 Matrix arp

34:35 Snapshots

35:20 Generate

36:00 Pros & cons

39:40 Playing 70 select presets

4 thoughts on “POLYBRUTE Review, 70 Presets and a Full Morph Tutorial

  1. Dear sir,
    First of all thank you for all of your content and knowledge. Technology can appear mysterious and uninviting at a glance, but demonstrating and showcasing it the way you have is marvelous (and deeply valued). I’m asking if you have any plans to study mixers, d.i boxes and maybe even microphones in the future? In particular, growing up, I would be scared or too shy to ask what all the knobs and switches did on mixers. Maybe a new product line such as the tascam model 12,16 and 24 mixers perhaps?
    Anyhow, I wish you well and again, thank you for all the great work!

    Tarek Dahbi

    1. Thanks for the comment and kind words. Actually, in about 2 weeks I plan to review a very interesting new mixer, so along the way I’ll be sure to explain what all the functions do 😉

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