Erica Synths Steampipe

Erica Synths Steampipe: Sound design in chaotic feedback loops // Physical modeling tutorial, review

SteamPipe from Erica synths and 112db is unlike most synths. Rather than having a linear signal path with simple or complex oscillators and filters, Steampipe pairs an exciter with a tunable resonating filtered delay feedback loop, – or chaos in … Continue reading Erica Synths Steampipe: Sound design in chaotic feedback loops // Physical modeling tutorial, review

201 Pocket Piano

201 Pocket Piano:  a minimalist synth that’s infinitely tweakable – Review & tutorial

201 Pocket Piano from Critter and Guitari is a two-in-one bundle of polar opposites. On the one hand, it’s a small synth with a minimal set of controls and no screen. Yet, under the hood, it’s infinitely customizable and tweakable … Continue reading 201 Pocket Piano:  a minimalist synth that’s infinitely tweakable – Review & tutorial

Erica Synths Perkons Review and Tutorial

PERKONS HD-01 Review – Did Erica Synths bottle up thunder in drum synth? Detailed tutorial here

Perkons from Erica Synths is a hybrid analog and digital, four-voice drum synth (and also a drone synth), that takes hands-on controls to the extreme – giving you per voice tone and sequencing control. It’s more expensive and more focused … Continue reading PERKONS HD-01 Review – Did Erica Synths bottle up thunder in drum synth? Detailed tutorial here

SP-404 MK2 MKII Review tips tricks and tutorial

ROLAND SP-404 MK2 Review – 9 tips & ideas to make the most of it – Tutorial for the SP-404 MKII

The new SP-404 MK2 is a substantial upgrade to the classic SP-404, with major improvements on almost every front, including a high-resolution screen, four more pads per bank, more voices, more effects, RGB & velocity sensitive pads, internal storage and … Continue reading ROLAND SP-404 MK2 Review – 9 tips & ideas to make the most of it – Tutorial for the SP-404 MKII