Yamaha SEQTRAK Review, tips and tutorial

YAMAHA SEQTRAK: 30 advanced tips and 5 things to know before you buy – Review & Tutorial

SEQTRAK is Yamaha’s return back to the portable groovebox market – it’s got plenty of buttons and hands-on controls, it’s loaded with internal sounds and synths and it can sample too.

Yamaha already have a good beginners tutorial for it on their channel, so rather than repeat that, in this video, I’ll focus on tips and ideas that build on the basics or stuff I wish knew when I started using SEQTRAK, and then I’ll discuss pros and cons in light of the competition, including a few things to know before you buy:


0:00 Intro

1:05 Overview

2:40 Get a grip

3:15 Cheat sheet


4:00 Velocity

4:55 Chrom drums

5:30 Mono sequencers!

6:20 MIDI CCs

6:45 Dongle anxiety

7:10 Bluetooth MIDI

7:25 MIDI settings

7:45 Be in GUI mode

8:40 GUI lock

9:00 Change defaults

9:15 Synth step seq

10:10 Advanced FX

12:10 Unlock 6 patterns

12:35 Temp save!

13:30 Fast params

13:45 App only stuff

14:00 FX 1 & 2

14:30 Trigger type

15:05 FX params

15:25 Synth LFO

16:15 7 sample tracks

16:55 FX strip secrets

19:20 Chord tips

20:30 Chord banks

21:00 Use the arp!

21:20 A faster Play

21:30 Fave shortcuts

23:30 Visualizer blues

23:55 Pros & cons

27:55 Outro

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