Norns from Monome is a small sound computer that can run different apps, or scripts designed to respond to MIDI or process incoming audio, and in many cases generate something completely new on its own. It can be a generative sequencer, audio mangler, sampler, looper and much more.
The beauty of Norns, alongside the large number of creative scripts available for it, is that it’s relatively in-expensive – especially if you’re handy with a soldering iron because both the hardware and software are entirely open source.
You can use Norns on its own, but many scripts work with companion controllers and Eurorack modules sold separately by Norns, as well as other MIDI controllers or launchpads.
In this video I take a look at this interesting musical ecosystem and community, a few interesting scripts, and wrap up with some alternatives and pros and cons you might want to be aware of before diving in.
0:00 intro
1:50 three norns
3:45 connectivity
6:00 workflow
7:05 system menu
7:25 tape
7:55 params
8:45 maiden
11:10 grid
11:40 awake
12:40 thirtythree
14:45 mlr
17:00 other grids?
17:50 arc
18:25 mangl
19:00 larc
20:00 mx.samples
20:40 passersby
21:30 scripting
23:30 alternatives
24:05 vs organelle
25:20 pros & cons
31:30 showers
32:00 icarus
33:05 oooooo