Korg just released firmware version 2.0 for Wavestate, along with an editor and sample builder. I went ahead and rewatched my initial review (link in the video description) and the tutorial part still stands the test of time, but my complaints in the pros and cons section were almost completely addressed by this update.
In this video, I take an in-depth look at what’s new, talk about a few tips and ideas to get you started making the most of it, and find a few other things to complain about…:
0:00 Intro
1:10 What’s new
1:40 Editor
5:40 Sample builder
8:20 Loop points
9:15 Banks
11:50 Pitch scales
12:50 Perf. hold
14:25 Multisampling
16:30 Drum kits
18:05 Wavetables
19:55 Phasing loops
22:55 Pros & cons
24:55 Outro