microKORG 2 vs the original microKORG

MicroKORG 2 vs the original: Here’s a preview of what’s new

microKORG 2 is Korg’s sequel to what is allegedly the best-selling synth of all time. It’s got a totally new sound engine, hi-res screen, a new interface, but they remained loyal to the form factor and design spirit of the original. In this video I take a look at the differences between the new microKORG and the original:


0:00 Intro

0:50 New engine

1:55 Bi-timbrality

2:40 Keybed

2:50 Screen & UI

4:10 New assigns

4:40 No shift

5:10 Presets

5:45 Build & IO

6:25 New oscillators

7:05 New DWGS

7:40 New samples

8:25 New osc mod

9:30 New noise

9:50 Fixed osc

10:10 Filter morph

10:50 Modulation

11:10 New matrix

11:25 Arp

11:40 Vocal process

12:00 Vocoder

12:15 Hard tune

12:35 Harmonizer

13:05 Effects

14:10 Unison

14:50 Loop recorder

16:35 Pros & cons?

17:10 Outro

2 thoughts on “MicroKORG 2 vs the original: Here’s a preview of what’s new

  1. Buongiorno
    non parlo e non leggo inglese,come faccio a tradurre in italiano il tuo libro?

    Good morning
    I don’t speak or read English, how can I translate your book into Italian?
    where can you buy and download it?

    1. Thanks very much for your interest! My book is available to Patreon subscribers. It’s an English only PDF, so any tool that translates PDFs should work if you have one!

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