Transform your synth - Matriarch Pairings

Transform your synth: 10 semi-modular pairing ideas shown with Moog Matriarch

A few simple pairings can drastically transform your semi-modular synth. In this video I explore 10 ideas to extend Moog’s Matriarch, many of which are applicable to other synths:


0:00 Intro

0:45 Back panel jacks

1:35 Wavefolder

4:25 Drive

5:55 Stereo ext oscillator

8:45 Modulation

9:40 Using EQ to compensate for resonance bass drop

11:20 Using CV to control CC parameters

13:50 Trigger sequencers

15:20 External sequencers

17:30 More ideas

Here’s a list of the ideas:

1: Make sure you’re aware of all your inputs and outputs;

2: Integrate a wavefolder into the signal chain between the oscillators and the filter;

3: Integrate drive after the filter;

4: Layer an external oscillator in the mix;

5: Modulate that oscillator’s parameters using your synth’s mod sources;

6: Use EQ to compensate for the bass drop in Moog’s filter when cranking up the resonance;

7: Use CV to control hidden CC parameters;

8: Use a sequencer to trigger the filter envelope independently of the main sequencer/arpeggiator;

9: introduce a generative sequencer;

10: Use a DC-coupled sample player to modulate the VCA envelope

2 thoughts on “Transform your synth: 10 semi-modular pairing ideas shown with Moog Matriarch

  1. Great vid on the Matriarch. You mentioned a template for a printout of the rear panel jacks. I looked around but didn’t see it. Can you point the way?

    I keep fantasizing about a dedicated 3.5mm patchbay to bring those around to the front!


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