Moog Sub 37 synth tips and ideas

13 Synth Tips and Ideas, not just for the Moog Subsequent 37

In this video, I take a look at a few tips and tricks to help you get more out of your synth. I’ll be showing them on the Moog Subsequent 37, but many of them are applicable to other synths in one way or another, so hopefully you’ll find this useful if you have a different synth:


0:00 Intro

0:30 Digital osc

1:30 MIDI control

4:10 Bender ideas

5:10 Musical bends

6:55 Use the matrix

9:15 Controllers

10:05 LFO fade in

10:55 Const on

11:42 Res gain comp

13:40 Plugin uses

15:10 Automation

16:10 Switch mod

17:10 Other mods

18:10 Mod only

18:45 Outro

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