Review: WAVE ring gesture/motion controller by Genki Instruments

While walking the halls at NAMM 2018 I met the team from Genki and was very impressed by their WAVE product. They sent me one and this is my review:

More about their IndieGoGo campaign here:

* Note – I’m not affiliated with them in any way… crowdfunding campaigns can be risky though to me this one looks legit to me

Interested in JAZZ ME? Check it out here (note: you need Max for Live):

The ring controller I got is a prototype and doesn’t look like the final product, but regardless works extremely well and has the battery life they advertise. Wave doesn’t need a USB dongle if you’re using it with a Mac or iOS device and throughout my testing worked with both seamlessly. There’s always a risk with crowdfunding campaigns, but at least in terms of technology, portability and connectivity – WAVE by Genki delivers.

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