Roland Verselab MV-1 Review

DAW-less DAW? MV-1 VERSELAB Review and full song-making tutorial for Roland’s portable studio

Verselab MV-1 from Roland may look like a groovebox but it has a more ambitious goal – to be an easy to use hardware replacement for your computer, audio interface and DAW software. It’s goal is to let you create full songs, including multiple vocal layers, not just chain patterns.

In this video I take a look at what MV-1 can do, including a breakdown of how a full track was created with it, along with pros and cons compared to competing products in the market:


0:00​ Intro

1:45​ Overview

8:15​ Connectivity

9:20​ Building a song

12:40​ Arranging vocals

14:00​ Vocal processing

16:25​ Kit & track plan

18:00​ Sound design

19:55​ Kit design

20:55​ Sampling

21:45​ Editing samples

22:45​ Looper tracks

24:15​ Step sequencing

25:40​ Live sequencing

26:35​ Automation

27:30​ Effects

30:30​ Zenbeats

31:10​ Quick tips

33:40​ Pros & cons

38:55​ Full track mixdown

4 thoughts on “DAW-less DAW? MV-1 VERSELAB Review and full song-making tutorial for Roland’s portable studio

    1. Hi, I use MOscilloscope and MAnalyzer by a company called Melda – they’re free with some limitations in the MFreeFXBundle. Occasionaly I’ll use scopes by VCV

  1. This looks a great box for tracks on the go.. Currently I have an OP-1 for that reason but I haven’t really progressed past making short quirky loops with it… I already have Force for my studio so I am not sure where this will slot in?

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