Korg SQ-64 Review and Tutorial

KORG SQ-64 Review and full tutorial

SQ-64 is a desktop sequencer from Korg, with three polyphonic melodic tracks and fourth drum track. It can sequence over MIDI and has plenty of CV outputs as well, for modular or semi modular gear.

In this video I take a look at what it can do, explore its workflow in detail, and take a look at overall pros and cons:


0:00 Intro

0:45 Overview

3:40 Project scope

4:20 Connectivity

6:10 MIDI/CV Setup

7:30 Drum seq

8:30 Melodic seq

11:10 Advanced seq

13:00 Arpeggiator

14:15 Chords

14:50 Mod lanes

15:20 Performance

15:35 Mutes

15:50 Playback modes

17:00 Step loops

17:35 Swing

18:05 Fill

19:10 Global settings

20:00 Pros & cons

23:00 Outro

3 thoughts on “KORG SQ-64 Review and full tutorial

  1. Hi, I always find your explanations very clear and pleasant to watch. That’s why I was wondering the following. I have a Korg SQ-64, but there is no good documentation and cheat sheet for the current software version. I think there are quite a few people who would appreciate a good explanation (video) with some documentation. Is it perhaps an idea that you could do this? Possibly on a commercial basis?
    With kind regards,
    Oskar Egberts

    1. Thanks for the kind words and also for offering to pay for these things. It’s a good idea, I should have done it when I created the video and occasionally do so for other products, but I didn’t for the SQ-64 and now it’s probably a bit too late… I will try to do more in the future though! Thanks again

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