The TR-6S is the “mini-me” version of Roland’s TR-8S. It has the same exact sound engine, 6 tracks instead of 11 and fewer hands-on controls and inputs and outputs, but is more portable, it can be battery powered and takes up less space, and it’s less expensive. In this video I compare it to the TR-8S and the MC-101:
0:00 Intro
0:30 Overview
2:15 TR-6S vs TR-8S
2:25 IO & power
3:05 Controls
3:15 Track knobs
4:45 Other controls
6:25 Variations
7:10 Mixer view
7:25 Sequencing
10:05 Tone banks
12:25 Kit params
13:30 Mutes
14:05 Inst params
15:05 Samples
15:25 TR-6S vs MC101
19:35 Tips & tricks
19:50 Pros & cons
21:10 TR-8S teaser