Elta Solar 50 Review

SOLAR 50 Review, full tutorial and patch ideas

Solar 50 from Elta Music is a 10 voice synth with 50 independently tunable analog oscillators. It’s actually not as complicated as it looks, but it does represent a non-traditional and experimental approach to how synths should be programmed and played – meaning by feel and by ear than with black and white keys.

In this video I take a look at the pros and cons of this approach, as well as everything else:


0:00 Intro
0:40 Overview
5:00 Connectivity
5:30 Stereo/mono
6:45 Noise/bleed
8:05 Oscillators
9:35 Osc cross mod
11:15 ASR VCA env
11:45 Pitch mods
12:35 Light sensor
13:25 Env patches
14:25 LFOs
15:00 Contact mic
15:25 Filter
16:20 Effects
22:15 Velocity mod
23:10 Stackcables
23:40 Cascading vox
24:15 Sequencing
24:35 FM radio noise
25:00 Trig seq
26:00 Motion rec
27:00 vs Lyra 8
27:55 Pros & cons
31:25 Outro

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