Slim Continuum Review and Tutorial

SLIM CONTINUUM Review – Haken’s amazingly powerful and complex matrix-based synth (Full tutorial)

Slim Continuum from Haken Audio is the thinner and more powerful version of the Continuum. Like the original, it’s what you’d get if a violin or flute and a huge modular setup had a baby – it includes the same sensitive multi-touch expressive surface, and the same powerful internal digital synth engine, called the EaganMatrix, but is thinner, has better connectivity, is more powerful and usable, but more expensive.

In this video I take a look at what makes this instrument special, what’s new, how the synth engine works, and look at overall pros and cons compared to other synths and expressive controllers:


0:00 Intro

1:30 The Surface

3:55 Polyphonic control (MPE)

5:10 Portamento

6:20 EaganMatrix

7:30 What’s new?

11:00 Connectivity

12:50 The setup

14:50 Haken Editor

18:50 Recirculator

20:25 Rounding

22:30 Sustain

23:15 Sostenuto

25:00 Patching

29:15 Formulas

34:00 Jenny osc

35:00 BiqBank

35:40 BiqGraph

36:10 BiqMouth

36:30 Sine bank

36:50 Sine spray

37:15 Wave bank

38:00 Harmonic Manipulator

39:20 Modal Manipulator

39:55 Additive Bank

41:00 Kinetic Bank

41:40 Delay banks

42:20 Alternatives

44:30 Pros & cons

48:25 Outro

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