Deckard's Dream MK2 Review Yamaha CS-80

Deckard’s Dream MK2: Is it a Yamaha CS-80 replicant? Full tutorial and review

Deckard’s Dream MK2 from Black Corporation is an 8-voice analog polyphonic desktop synth inspired by the legendary Yamaha CS-80 – which in turn was used, among other, by Vangelis on the soundtrack of BladeRunner. In this video I take a look at what Deckard’s can do, how it compares to the original CS-80, what makes it special, whether it’s worth the price, and overall pros and cons:


0:00​ Intro

1:30​ Some sounds

4:00​ vs CS-80

4:55​ Poly aftertouch

8:00​ MPE

9:55​ Ring mod

10:40​ Presets

11:35​ vs DDRM MK1

12:35​ Dual layers

14:20​ Connectivity

14:40​ Slider colors

15:50​ Oscillators

17:30​ Filters

20:10​ Envelopes

22:40​ Sub osc / LFO

25:25​ Port/gliss

25:50​ Sustain I/II

27:00​ Unison

29:05​ JF Sebastian

31:05​ Pros, cons

35:35​ Outro 1

37:40​ Outro 2

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