korg modwave review tutorial

KORG MODWAVE Review, tutorial and comparison to Wavestate

Modwave from Korg is the third synth in this form factor, this time with a focus on wavetable synthesis, but it can also play samples from a built in 2GB library. Aside from that it also has a unique take on the concept of an XY pad called Kaoss Physics, an interesting generative style motion sequencer, and fairly gigantic mod matrix.

In this video I take an in-depth look at all its features, including pros and cons – and play you a bunch of its presets at the end:


0:00 Intro

1:45 vs Wavestate

6:40 Build

7:20 Editor

9:15 Workflow

11:00 Wavetables

13:20 Morph

14:15 Modifiers

15:10 A/B blend

16:30 Samples

17:30 FM/AM/Ring

18:20 Osc env/LFO

19:05 Sub/noise

19:50 Sequencing

20:40 Pitch

22:05 Timing

23:25 Motion seq

24:35 Shape lane

26:10 Misc seq

27:30 Mod matrix

30:00 Kaoss physics

33:15 Filter

34:30 Envelopes

36:00 LFO

37:20 Effects

39:40 Randomize

40:45 Misc features

41:50 Pros & cons

44:35 70 presets

5 thoughts on “KORG MODWAVE Review, tutorial and comparison to Wavestate

  1. Thank you for this video. It is helpful, as are all your videos. But, I’m still not understanding the difference between the Wavestate and the Modwave. I can only afford one or the other. My guess there are others in the same boat. Thank you.

  2. Hi,
    Having purchased a Modwave and love it, your tutorial was a massive help in understanding the synth. I do have a question about the motion sequencing regards triggering from external sequencer, e.g. Ableton. Can the Modwave loop through its 16 steps of motion sequencing despite being retriggered by Midi from ableton? I.e. a midi note from ableton plays the next step in the motion sequencer ‘lanes’?
    I haven’t managed to work this out as I would quite like the envelopes to retrigger but keeping the modulation changes on the Modwave?
    Many thanks

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