Make Noise 0-CTRL review, 0-Coast patch ideas and module pairings

Make Noise 0-CTRL Review, Patch Ideas with 0-COAST and other modules

0-CTRL from Make Noise is an analog, touch sequencer and controller. It’s in the same form factor as the 0-COAST, pairs well with it but also with any semi-modular or eurorack gear. In this video I go over what 0-CTRL does in detail, and look at a few patching and pairing ideas for it, both with 0-COAST as well as with other eurorack modules


0:00 Intro
0:50 Overview
3:30 Strength
5:05 Time
5:50 Inputs, outputs
7:00 Basic patches
7:10 Keyboard “mode”
8:45 Sequence control
11:10 Gate-time trick
12:20 Analog quantizer?
15:10 0-CTRL sub osc
17:25 Subharmonics
20:00 Module pairings
20:15 Quantizer
21:00 Slew limiter
21:45 CV to sample
23:25 Glide sequencing
24:20 Misc tips
24:55 Clock mix
26:15 Pros, cons

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