Moog’s Subsequent 25 is an update to their analog monophonic Sub Phatty, now with 2 note paraphonic support and an updated sound engine. Unlike many analog monosynths, Sub 25 can store presets and be digitally controlled, which means a few extra benefits. Here’s an in depth review, tutorial and quite a few patch ideas:
0:00 Intro
1:15 Duophony
2:10 Overview
4:25 Hidden params
7:10 The filter
10:20 Oscillators
14:45 Mixer
15:45 Envelopes
17:20 LFO
20:35 App
22:10 Chords
23:30 FM Bells
24:15 Duo tips
25:30 Bi-timbral duo
26:35 Arpeggiator
27:35 Randomizer
28:55 Pros & cons
30:40 Outro jam