Eventide Misha Review

Review: Eventide Misha – an entirely original improvisation and generative sequencing module

Misha from Eventide is an entirely different and original way of performing and composing music, and is also a different kind of generative sequencer. With most instruments or controllers, pressing a key plays the same note every time. With Misha, you use the keys to decide where you want a melody to go, as opposed to which specific notes to play. This is particularly useful when exploring the dozens of scales available on the module.

Misha is a Eurorack module, though it can send and receive MIDI, so you can use it outside the context of a Eurorack system, and it can totally transform how a MIDI keyboard behaves if you connect one to it.

In this video I take an in-depth look at Misha and discuss some pros and cons, both of the module and this way of making music:


0:00 Intro

1:20 Intervals

3:50 Controls

6:15 Modes

6:45 Connectivity

8:25 Chords

10:35 Sequencing

10:55 Tone rows

12:30 Auto play

12:50 Play options

13:30 Button mods

15:40 Tone row as scale

17:10 Temp shift

17:50 Interval Button Sequences

19:45 Misha & MIDI

21:45 Black key maps

23:25 Raga 3 jam

24:10 Scale swaps

24:30 MIDI mapping

25:20 CV mapping

26:00 Presets

27:05 Pros & cons

30:00 Outro

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