Softpop 2 is a refreshingly original semi modular synth. It isn’t wired like other synths, and it has quite a unique choice of modules. It’s an analog monophonic synth with digital controls, that’s designed to explore what happens when things aren’t wired up the way they’re supposed to in most synths – kind of like the synth version of a logic puzzle. Rather than a simple linear modular arrangement, Softpop encourages circular patching and feedback – and the result can be anything from soft popping bubbles, thru traditional synth sounds, to aggressive bit crushed style madness.
Here’s my full review:
0:00 Intro
2:15 Overview
4:45 Why it’s original
7:25 Oscillator
7:50 PWM
8:55 Quantization
9:30 Filter
10:25 Pop/Pixel
10:45 Env/LFO
11:20 Scales
12:30 Sequencer
13:35 Step seq
14:55 Chains
15:15 Scale seq
16:10 Play modes
17:25 Temp FX
17:50 Clock sync
18:45 The Orb
19:20 Sidechain
19:55 Pop envelope
20:35 Rate push
21:10 Env osc sync
22:00 Mod thru scale
22:40 Seq length
23:10 Extra seq track
24:35 XY as xfade
25:00 “Krell” patch
26:15 vs OG Softpop
27:45 Pros & cons
30:35 Outro