T-1 from Torso Electronics is an algorithmic, or generative sequencer that does things very differently from other sequencers. T-1 combines notes you enter with rhythmic and melodic rules that are applied to them. Rules or tools like euclidean sequencing, arpeggiators, scales, Turing machines and random and shaped LFOs, all applied to notes you feed it, to create a back and forth musical dialogue between you and T-1.
Here’s my full review:
0:00 Intro
1:20 Disclaimer
1:45 Overview
3:10 How the encoders work
3:50 Project scope
4:55 Tracks
6:45 Euclidean tools
8:20 Step sequencing
8:50 Slices/cycles
9:15 Division
9:45 Groove
11:05 Repeats & offset
12:10 Time & pace
12:40 Voicing & style
14:50 Melody & phrase
16:45 Scales
17:20 Experimenting
18:15 Random
20:50 Temp + pattern
22:00 Length & quantize
22:45 Misc
24:05 Pros & cons
28:35 Outro
Hi !
I love your videos, a good help to choose the right hardware.
I have pre-ordered the Torso T1,
but I would like to know what is the software you are using to watch a vertical piano roll ??? I would like to own the same for the T 1, it makes sens. THANK YOU !
Thanks for the kind words! It’s called Synthesia